James Petras: Human Rights Watch in Venezuela: Lies, Crimes and Cover-ups

James Petras, petras.lahaine.org, 27 September 2008

Human Rights Watch, a US-based group claiming to be a non-governmental organization, but which is in fact funded by government-linked quasi-private foundations and a Congressional funded political propaganda organization, the National Endowment for Democracy, has issued a report “A Decade Under Chavez: Political Intolerance and Lost Opportunities for Advancing Human Rights in Venezuela” (9/21/2008 hrw.org).

The publication of the “Report” directed by Jose Miguel Vivanco and sub-director Daniel Walkinson led to their expulsion from Venezuela for repeated political-partisan intervention in the internal affairs of the country.

A close reading of the “Report” reveals an astonishing number of blatant falsifications and outright fabrications, glaring deletions of essential facts, deliberate omissions of key contextual and comparative considerations and especially a cover-up of systematic long-term, large-scale security threats to Venezuelan democracy posed by Washington.

We will proceed by providing some key background facts about HRW and Vivanco in order to highlight their role and relations to US imperial power. We will then comment on their methods, data collection and exposition. We will analyze each of HRW charges and finally proceed to evaluate their truth and propaganda value.

[Read the analysis]

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One Response to James Petras: Human Rights Watch in Venezuela: Lies, Crimes and Cover-ups

  1. Dear James Petras.
    I am with you in what you just said about the American intervention in the Venezuela’s affairs.
    For long time the imperialists have tried to destibilize the countries of Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolibia, Brazil, Venezuela and any one who oposses the arrogant hegemony of the US and Israel. They have installed puppets in El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala in order to ransack those countries easily but the people of those countries do not know about because the news-media is controlled by the zionists not only in the US but in Latin America as well.

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